Monday, April 21, 2014

Poetic Asides Day 20

Day 20  a family poem

Getting to Know You

 The mother-in-law

It was the salty taste
of that pale green cucumber
that did it. We both
rolled the juicy slices
in our mouths, rolled our eyes
in appreciation.
A moment of healthy connection.

The father-in-law

The three chooks step gingerly
around their scratching ground,
the fence a testament to a man’s
view of DIY: just do it. Driving
buses might have ruined a back,
but not that sense of a man’s back yard
being his castle, farm and kingdom.

The daughter

I peered into the silver-striped
paper bag: not one but five
Lindt Excellence DARK
packs. “You know me well.
I’ll give these little gold-wrapped
eggs to your Nan.” “Oh no, Mum,
those are dark too. For you.”


I find it remarkably easy
to get there without GPS
and to arrive home without
wrong turnings.  Somehow
the afternoon made sense.
I begin to make plans for
their visit, me as hostess.

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