Wednesday, April 2, 2014

NaPoWriMo Day Before Day 1

I am starting with the "extra" prompt for those of us ahead of the other half of the world, time-wise. The prompt is Ekphrastic, and I just love the way art and the written word can work together.

The Batik/Tanzania



Where were we in Dar es Salaam
buying crafted revelations?
In this picture I saw connections –
none of the creatures here
inseparable. But see how the gourds
are grasped awkwardly, the woman
has a somewhat startled face, the fish
is a torpedo, limbs are stick-thin?
Quite frankly, I only saw beauty
then. We quibbled over who would
own this frantic scene of desire,
need. I particularly loved the lizards -
messengers of gods who told me
it was time to drop the bombshell.
Of course I disagreed. We were so
intertwined by then, inseparable,
pretending to be satisfied
with our awkward grasp of love.

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