Saturday, April 10, 2010

Off the Cuff Continued: Pocahontas by Annie Leibovitz

 Two poems in response to Annie Liebovitz's painting: Pocahontas
APAD 6   prompt: an ekphrastic poem


I had such a swift sneak
preview, running to keep up
with event's momentum -
I counted on transfer
of emails to home computer
only to arrive home & discover
internet function is disabled.

I call upon you to run like
the wind, let no ravenous wolf
stay your step - run swift
as your spirit wills, deliver
this message to the future -
the useful life of a pair of shoes
outlasts that of a computer.


Fire! Fire! Flee the guns!
Leaves like flames leap from trees
fail to fill the dark the dying  light.

that is two crucifixes on the water

Doe and woman, flee
from this poisoned future, run!
And tree: shed your beauty,
look like death.

the axe is coming


  1. Thanks! As I was typing the first one, I thought I was being Pocahontas even though I'd written it as me - somewhat spooky.
